Holding Space
Author and Photo Credit: Amanda Wright
This is the moment where the definition of holding space feels literal.
As a doula, I am there for so many moments of prep, labor, gloving up to wipe someone’s bum if they need it, etc.
These are active moments.
I get to actively participate.
But then there are times like these.
The moments where, as a Doula, I am here to hold space.
In an empty room, that may have been a little chaotic shortly before, but is now quiet and empty.
I’ll take a few minutes to pick up, arrange anything out of order, make sure that the room is ready to return to.
But then I just hold space.
Waiting for the return of a new family who I walked through prep classes, late night questions and concerns, laboring with them most of the time running on caffeine and protein bars.
No longer a pregnant person, now a parent!
Thinking about all of the things that might be happening in the OR.
And I will be here with everything I have, holding space.