birth | Fort Worth

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Meet Barbara Davis

Hey, y'all!  I'm so excited to be here launching and growing Fort Worth Doula Associates.

Many of you may know me as Doula Barb, and I'll always answer to that, but I'm so excited to see FWDA grow and take shape. 

For those of you that don't know me, I'd love to share a bit. 

My journey to become a doula began after the birth of my first child.  We were healthy but the experience left me feeling disappointed.  Fast forward a few years, and we were expecting our second child.  I was planning a home water birth and had started the process of hiring a doula.  Sadly, we miscarried that sweet little one but the fire was lit.  I was passionate about educating women about the options they have for their birth.

I started my professional training in January of 2013, where I met the fabulous Leah Halterman.  I attended my first birth as a doula that spring and knew right away it was my calling in this crazy life.  I've loved meeting women and families and watching them work and grow together as they meet their new little ones.

I went on to have the water birth I always wanted in 2014.  Sweet Lola's rainbow footprints are on the wall just outside the Cowtown Suite at Fort Worth Birthing and Wellness Center in Fort Worth and I love getting to see them each time I'm there. 

I live just south of Fort Worth with my husband Thomas, my son Rhett and daughter Lola, and Norah- the most patient cat in the universe.  I doula, teach YourBest Childbirth Education, chase the kiddos around, and lay in the sun with a good book as often as I can.